Sunday, November 27, 2011

All Good Things

Rated R Drama/Thriller
The main draw I had to this movie was Ryan Gosling. After 'Drive', I'm going to watch anything that man ever does. I had never heard of this movie, but it sounded pretty interesting. I love true crime, so anything at least based on some actual events, count me in. This movie was WORLDS different than what I thought it was going to be. I'm honestly still not sure how I feel about it.

The description says that David Marks (Gosling) wife goes missing, that did not happen until the end. You see how he meets his wife, Katie. The Marks family owns mass amounts of property in New York circa 1970s, this is where the story begins. David is the oldest of two sons and not interested in this rich, preppy lifestyle. He and Katie marry about a year after meeting and move out of New York and start an organic store. David's father is not impressed in the least and forces David to move back to New York and participate in the family business. Part of Davids issues with his father stem from watching his mother commit suicide when he was only a child and he has never gotten over these issues. He isn't thrilled in the least about being home and working, but Katie is trying to make the best of it. She wants to raise a family and focus on other things than the job, but Daivd refuses based on his own problems. The relationship becomes very rocky and the couple spends less and less time together.

Katie becomes pregnant and David forces her to get an abortion. After that, things go downhill rapidly. They spend even less time together, Katie goes back to school to become a doctor, David hates this, why, I still have no idea. I think he was just realizing that he was still losing her. It all comes to a head when David grabs her by the hair and drags her out of her graduation party in front of her entire family. Things continue to get violent, btu because he is a trust fund baby, not all of his money is his, so Katie cannot leave him because he is her source of income. So she blackmails him and the family. Though they both want the relationship to work, it just doesn't seem to, David keeps ruining things. One day, poof, she is gone. We never find out what happened to her. It could have gone one of two ways. He killed her or she really just left him and never contacted anyone again.

After she vanishes, he gets out of town and goes to Texas. To really stop being David Marks, he starts dressing like a woman.. He gets into this weird friendship with an old man that lives in his building. The old man finds out that David has lots of money. The old man also does some of Davids dirty work and kills one of his best friends because she writes a book that sounds too familiar to Katies disappearance. The old man becomes too much for him to handle, so he kills him. David somewhat narrates the story while he is on trial for the old mans death. He was convicted of unproper removal of a dead body, because he chopped him up ino pieces and dropped him into a lake, but the death was ruled self protection, because they had a fight.

Like I said, we never find out what actually happened to Katie, we just watch the story of a WEIRD man with tons of issues..

3.5 out of 5 stars

J. Edgar

Rated R Drama/Biography

I will be the first to admit, I knew NOTHING about J Edgar Hoover, though I totally knew his name. This may sound terrible, but I thought he had been out President, because lets be honest, Herbert Hoover isn't very memorable.. I will also be very honest in saying that I was REALLY skeptical of this movie. I do love Clint Eastwood, mainly for Gran Torino (I laughed harder at that movie than I probably should have and I laughed because I totally understood and it was making me so happy) but heres why I was weary. Biographies like this can be REALLY slow. And dark, which makes for a boring movie. Let me tell you, this movie was anything but boring. So interesting that I have thought about it for the last two days.

This movie paints such a great picture of the man. I loved it mainly because it didn't tell only what he did in his personal life and not only what he did in his professional life. It told it all! I think thats why I have such a problem with other government officials movies.. It only tells one side of the story, maybe thats because the people aren't all around interesting?? I learned right from the begining something that I never knew. Hoover helped start the system for coding books in libraries, making them easier to find! Might be super simple, but too interesting for me haha Also, makes sense why he wanted to do the same with people while creating the FBI. The movie deals with his personal and professional lives, talking about a few specifics in both. Theres the story about trying to find a missing child and about how he blackmailed basically every president to keep the FBI up and running. It also looks at his odd personal life, or lack of one. He had a somewhat strange relationship with his mother, zero relationship with women, but couldn't bring himself to have a relationship with the one man he did love, his right hand man, Tolson. I loved getting to see who he was in both areas of his life. It made him more of a person to me, unlike most movies in this genre do.

I HAVE to tip my hat to DiCaprio and Hammer. DiCaprio is freakin amazing in just about anything he is in, and he completley sold me on Hoover. I fell in love with Hammer in Social Network, and this movie made me realize that he really is going to be a force to be reckoned with. He will be around for a long, long time.

5 out of 5 stars

Winne the Pooh (2011)

Rated G Family/Animated
Growing up, I like so many others, watched Winnie the Pooh. There were many shows and movies, but there were few that my brother and I loved inparticular. We LOVED the one where I believe the story line was Piglet was scared of the dark? I remember it was something scary and at night time. Its been so long since I've seen it, and there are SO many Pooh movies, excuse me for not being more specific. It was on a couple months ago on ABC Family and my mom and I sat there and it was like I was 5 again.

Her, my mother, and I were very excited for the new movie to come out, but we never got around to watching it in the theaters. Mom isn't one for going to the movies like I am. So we waited and I got it in Netflix when I saw that it was finally coming out. Its a short film like the rest, and just as great. I found myself laughing so hard at some points and again, it was like I was transported back in time. The animation is the same and for being so new compared to the others, the voices were spot on. The story was simple, which is what so much of us love about Pooh, there are all very simple, as are their problems. It was very cute, and so much fun for all ages.

5 out of 5 stars

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Rated R Action

I saw this movie because of my boyfriend. The same people that made this also made 300, and I do love that movie, but this was definitely a "because Kevin wants to" type of thing. That being said, I was happily surprised!

Immortals follows Thesius, an awesome, poor fighter.

A long long time ago, the Gods got into a HUGE fight with the Titans, and well, the Gods won. So they put the Titans in this box with bars in their mouths for the rest of eternity. The box can only be opened using the bow and arrow. Well Mickey Rourke aka- awesome villain with a crazy name that I forgot, decides he wants to rule the world and get rid of the Gods because he doesn't worship them. So he's going to find the arrow and set the Titans free so they can beat the Gods. So he looks everywhere for the arrow and comes across Thesius' little town and kills everyone, including his mom, right in front of him. He ends up getting captured, then running away with the Virgin Oracle (she can see the future) and they have to stop Rourke from letting the Titans loose. Meanwhile, the Gods are watching this and starting to freak out. Zeus reminds them that they cannot interfere with the humans and help him. If they do, he'll kill them. Crazy fight scene, followed by crazy fight scene and you get a pretty awesome movie.

I wish so badly that we had seen this in 3D. I don't think there were a huge amount of scenes where things would have actually come out at us, but the graphics were so cool, I think it would have made the movie look even better. My boyfriend hasn't stopped raving about this movie, and I find myself thinking about it too. If you love action and mythology, then this is definitely a movie you should check out.

4 out of 5 stars

A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas

Rated R Comedy

I'll admit, I am a fairly new fan of Harold and Kumar. I didn't get what all of the fuss was about when their first movie came out. It also took me forever to see the second one. I think based on my age and possibly some of the people I know, the movies have become funny to me.

Needless to say, I was very excited to see this movie! I haven't seen very many movies in 3D, but this one looked really good. I really enjoyed the story, since it seems to be one that I can relate to, given some circumstances going on in my life lately. It was about the guys growing up and how they can't have fun and smoke weed and do nothing all of the time. But it was also about how being an uptight, conservative, people pleasing grown up isn't the way to go either. You can be a grown up and still have fun, balance of both worlds.

The movie was super funny, and I DEFINITELY want a 'Waffle Bot' hahaha The 3D was a fun effect, it worked well with this comedy since there was some action. I do feel like a lot of the funny parts were in the commercials, but I also saw it pretty late at night and about two weeks ago, so I don't remember it perfectly.

4 out of 5 stars