96 min. Rated R Horror
So I will start out by saying that my boyfriend is a huge Horror movie freak, he'll watch any that he can get his manly hands on. I love horror too, however I am insanely jaded and it takes A LOT for me to get scared and I really only like a horror movie that can scare me. Those that don't I consider thriller haha Well, ones with a good story line anyways. OH disclaimer! Since it IS October now, and Halloween IS my fav holiday and horror IS my fav genere, this month will be full of horror films ; ) Hopefully, its gonna be a busy month, but I shall do the best I can!
Onto this movie! We rented it from Redbox and it came out some time last year, totally hadn't heard of it, but our horror selection was limited. So we rented this one. It said it was along the lines of Final Destionation, which in my opinion is a TERRIBLE group of films, but I let the man have free reign of the movie tonight. The description was right on the money- totally like Final Destination. High schoolers get a chain letter saying if they don't pass it on to 5 people within 24 hours they 'will lose a life from the chain link' or however it was put. There are HUGE overtones about technology and how bad it is and how we over look the bad and only see the good, yadda, yadda. So its all really about technology and how it can be used for bad, but it wasn't done very well, getting the point across I mean. They tell you about it straight up and I really hate that, I'd rather figure it out for myself. BUT thats just me : )
Anyways, the story was ok. I enjoyed the way people were killed and the end had a nice twist. Scary though? Not to me. It had more gore in it than a thriller should, but there were no legit scary parts for me. It was a solid 3 of 5, not sure I'd give it a 4.
Like I said, I will do my best to watch horror movies this month, but no promises since I'm going to be a busy bee!
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