Sunday, October 23, 2011

Paranormal Activity 3

Rated R Horror

Not going to lie.. I was VERY excited to see this movie last night! I had been looking forward to going to see it, but we've been so busy every weekend, I was figuring it wasn't going to happen. We met up (kind of) with some friends late last night and watched it.

Now, you should know the story by now, but here is a little catch up. The first movie is actually the last. The story is about two sisters and the ghosts that haunt them. When weird things start happening, the families put up cameras to catch all of the action. This film goes back to the very begining, when the sisters were children.

I love horror movies and the ones that freak me out are the ones with kids in them, so this one was pretty perfect for me! I really loved the first one, it was so different and even though the majority of the movie wasn't scary, the end really did it for me. The last one was decent, but underwhelming compared to the first. I was worried about the newest installment, but it was really good! There were some funny parts, like in the other two, but I think I was more scared watching this one. All of the scary moments made you jump, not really psychologically scary. Until I got home anyways! I'm surprised some people have said it wasn't very good when I am pretty sure its my favorite of the three.

5 out of 5 stars : )

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Thing

Rated R Sci fi/Horror

Alright, I am not a huge Stephen King fan. Really, the only thing I like from him is Carrie. I've tried reading his books, and I just cannot seem to get through them! He spends waaay too long describing the garden or whatever. I can't get into it. I have seen some of his movies, and its not that he has bad ideas, theyre just weird or not executed to my liking. This all leads me to The Thing. Kevin was very excited to see it. I didn't think it looked terrible. He really liked the original, I hadn't seen or read it, so I was entirely clueless going in.

Heres the story in as much of a nutshell as I can give. It takes place in the late 80s. In Antarctica. In reality, those two things should have been my first warnings, last night, maybe because I was so exhausted, I was willing to give it a shot. These Germans, I think, find this HUGE space ship stuck in the ground and a little down the way, they find this big ass alien frozen in the ground. So they dig out the alien, are all excited about it, BOOM it shoots up out of the ice and is on the loose! They find him after he eats someone and figure out that they can kill him with fire.

Heres the tricky part! This alien is super cool and its cells manipilate into ours, disguising the alien as a human! SO we get into the whole 'the alien could be any of us' and drags on forever. That story line is super played out. And, after the movie, we figured out that there were 10 people left when they figured this out. Thats a lot of people to kill! Not to spoil the movie or anything, but thats obviously the point.

Kevin guessed a lot of the movie right, I totally guessed the plot and ending right. We're soooo over all of these "the killer could be any of us!" story lines its not even funny! Thats basically what any horror or thriller is about anymore! Its NOT creative, no matter how many 'twists' are thrown in, because in reality, we've seen this movie a bunch of times. Its just set somewhere different and has different actors.

At first I was kind of into the movie, mainly because I had no idea what it was about. But once we figured it out and then the ending dragged on forever, I was done. People actually clapped for it!! Are you kidding?! I sat there and said how it would end an hour ago and you clap?! Its really sad how lame most of the movie watching population is that they think that is a good movie. Hell the movie isnt even decent! The only thing I will give them is that at one point, 'the thing' becomes two headed. VERY rare, I cant think of a movie off of the top of my head where the villian has two heads, so that was neat. but that was all. And do NOT go see it just for that, just look up the movie stills online or something.

This movie gets 2 out of 5 stars and only for the two heads.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Cell

Rated R Thriller

Kevin has been telling me to watch this movie for a while now, and we finally did last night. Its not exactly scary, but it is definitely creepy as hell! As we were watching I kept thinking, out loud, how I was going to have some pretty messed up dreams afterwards. Luckily I didn't.

So here's what its about. JLo is kind of a therapist. The kind of therapy she does is prety neat though. She has been working with this kid that is in a coma and theres this crazy machine thing that lets mind enter his mind. The thought is that she can bring him out of the coma using this method. Well Vincent D' Onofrio is this serial killer, this schizo that kills women and makes them look like dolls. Vince Vaughn is a detective, they find Carl, the killer, but he had a stroke of some kind and is now in a coma. They need to get in his brain to find out where his latest victim is, there were no witnesses and he is the only person that knows where she is.

Turns out going in a schizos' mind is freakin trippy!!! Yuck! It freaked me out. The movie was done really well though otherwise it would have looked terrible. They have some really neat shots and camera work. It freaked me out pretty bad haha The story is fairly interesting, but you do really have to pay attention otherwise youll get lost.

I think Vaughn is a terrible choice for a detective, but this was one of his earlier movies, and JLo wasn't a bad choice either, it was before she became a terrible actress. Overall I enjoyed it and I'm glad we watched it. Man, just thinking back, that dudes head was tooooo weird! Freaking me out, even now!

I'd probably give it 4 out of 5 stars.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Scream 4

Scream 4 Rated R Horror

So I have basically been waiting since this movie came out last year to watch it.. We never got around to seeing it in theaters, so I was very excited when G Funk Nasty (aka Kevins mom) wanted to buy it at Target last night!

I'll be honest, I had high hopes for this movie. And I really thought I could figure out the killer before they showed me. At first, I was not super impressed by the movie. I thought I figured out the killer, but I couldn't which was fun! Once that started unraveling, I was very happy with the movie. Leading up to it? Not so much..

They were fully addressing horror movies, which was kind of interesting, but it made it seem like there were very aware of being in one, which I'm not sure I liked.. Another part I know I did not like was how little emotion they had for the people around them dying! I mean, at least in FInal Destination there is grieving time! I get that this all happened in one weekend, but if one of your best friends died, you would go out, get drunk with a bunch of kids and watch a horror movie that someone is copying and just did to said dead friend? No way Jose!

The end was pretty awesome though! Favorite line? "Fuck you, Bruce Willis" hahahahaha! So there were some great scenes, and it all came full circle, so we know its done. They went back to the begining one which I thought was awesome because I love it so much. There were no 'scary' scenes though, but I AM super jaded, so thats to be expected with me!

Probably give it 3 of 5 stars

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Chain Letter

96 min. Rated R Horror

So I will start out by saying that my boyfriend is a huge Horror movie freak, he'll watch any that he can get his manly hands on. I love horror too, however I am insanely jaded and it takes A LOT for me to get scared and I really only like a horror movie that can scare me. Those that don't I consider thriller haha Well, ones with a good story line anyways. OH disclaimer! Since it IS October now, and Halloween IS my fav holiday and horror IS my fav genere, this month will be full of horror films ; ) Hopefully, its gonna be a busy month, but I shall do the best I can!

Onto this movie! We rented it from Redbox and it came out some time last year, totally hadn't heard of it, but our horror selection was limited. So we rented this one. It said it was along the lines of Final Destionation, which in my opinion is a TERRIBLE group of films, but I let the man have free reign of the movie tonight. The description was right on the money- totally like Final Destination. High schoolers get a chain letter saying if they don't pass it on to 5 people within 24 hours they 'will lose a life from the chain link' or however it was put. There are HUGE overtones about technology and how bad it is and how we over look the bad and only see the good, yadda, yadda. So its all really about technology and how it can be used for bad, but it wasn't done very well, getting the point across I mean. They tell you about it straight up and I really hate that, I'd rather figure it out for myself. BUT thats just me : )

Anyways, the story was ok. I enjoyed the way people were killed and the end had a nice twist. Scary though? Not to me. It had more gore in it than a thriller should, but there were no legit scary parts for me. It was a solid 3 of 5, not sure I'd give it a 4.

Like I said, I will do my best to watch horror movies this month, but no promises since I'm going to be a busy bee!